(ENDED) TeaGschwendner: The New Tea in Town Review & Giveaway (Ends 9/30)



Before I get into the review, I'd like for you all to have a seat. Why you ask? Because this review may just be the best one I've ever posted. I don't want to brag...but you just wait and see!

I'd like to introduce all you wonderful readers to TeaGschwendner, pronounced "TEE-G'SHVEND-NURR". Try to say that 5 times fast! TeaGschwendner is from Germany (if you couldn't tell by the name) and is currently a global leader in specialty teas. They currently sell over 300 loose leaf teas and tea accessories online and in their store locations. After you've tried their tea, you'll realize why TeaGschwendner is quickly sweeping the US tea market. They recently announced a grand opening at Rockefeller Center in NY on July 16th. Coming September 21st, they'll be announcing another grand opening at 76th and Broadway. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that they will soon begin making their way down to Florida in next few years or I might be taking a trip up to New York very soon!!!

TeaGschwendner offers the following varieties of tea online and in their stores: Black, Green, Oolong, White, Rooibush, Herbal, Fruit, Iced, and Ayurveda. They also have a huge assortment of accessories for tea (cups, tins, kettles, pots, etc). Visit the TeaGschwendner online store and search through the hundreds of choices available today. I honestly took 2 hours to decide what my top 3 teas to try would be...and I'm glad I did! The image below is what I received from TeaGschwendner for the review. You'll notice a really cool book of tea...this was a very impressive book all about the varieties of tea at TeaGschwendner and also you'll notice the Teelamass for scooping my TeaGschwendner teas. This company knows what they're doing!


I was kindly sent the Pineapple Mango, Summer Romance, and Organic Fancy White Peony teas to review. Talk about AMAZING and GREAT choices!

The Summer Romance was my first TeaGschwendner tea that I tried. I was getting over a summer cold and thought my sense of taste and smell were shot. Boy was I wrong! This sweet medley of tart raspberries, juicy strawberries and luscious vanilla made me feel like I was young again and full of energy. It made the kitchen (and wherever I went) smell amazing. The fruity aroma along with the soft and delicious taste has made me a lifetime fan. I laughed while drinking this tea because I said to myself, no more buying grocery store teas. I'm serious...triple-dog serious, this tea is the most delicious tea I've ever had in my lifetime.


After falling head over heals in love with Summer Romance, I moved on to the Pineapple Mango and the Organic Fancy White Peony teas. It was as if each variety of tea got better with each small sip. The Pineapple Mango lived up to its name...I felt like I was drinking fresh pineapple and mango! Delicious! The fruity aroma filled the house and the flavor filled my body and revitalized me after my summer cold. I have yet to try it iced, but this will be my next use with it. The Organic Fancy White Peony was another amazing treat. The tea had just the right flavor amount of chestnut, honey and white flowers. It couldn't have tasted any better and it was a perfect ending to a happy story. Thank you TeaGschwendner for the amazing samples for this review and for the generous giveaway offer to my most wonderful readers!

I know you're really excited to try TeaGschwendner tea after reading my amazing and somewhat long-winded review. See if there is a TeaGschwendner location near you! If there isn't a location near you, visit the TeaGschwendner online store and start shopping!


Win It!

(1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a Miko Glass Teapot (See image below)

TeaGschwendner Miko Glass Teapot

(3) Runner-Up Winners will each receive a $50 TeaGschwendner Gift Card

  1. Visit the TeaGschwendner Online Store
  2. Leave a comment letting me know which TeaGschwendner tea variety you are most interested in trying and why

Please leave your email address in the comment or make sure you have one in your Blogger Profile


These extra entries are very helpful in winning! Also, for each extra entry, you are required to leave a comment!

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Enter the #TeaSocial TeaGschwendner #Giveaway (3 Winners - $50 GC, 1 Winner - Miko Teapot @FreebiesGalore (Ends 9/30) http://ow.ly/2Buco

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  • All entries must be in by 09/30/2010, 11:59PM EST!
  • US, 18+ (NO PO BOXES)

From the entries that I receive, I will use Random.org to draw the first name of the winner. I will announce the first name of the winner in a new post on Freebies and Much More and on Twitter. I will also contact the winner by email (be sure to give me one you check daily). If I do not hear back from a winner after 48 hours, I will draw a replacement by using the same method as above.

FTC Disclaimer: I received 3 product samples to review from TeaGschwendner. I was not compensated monetarily for the review. All opinions expressed in the review are my own!

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Cera said...

I'd love to get the Dragon Fruit Tea. It's delicious!

Kelly Braund said...

The asian pear tea sounds really yummy! Thanks!

Kelly Braund said...

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Tabathia B said...

I'd like to try the lemon vanilla white tea, because I have never tried it before
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Id love to try the Masala Indian Tea Spices so I can make my own Chai tea :)

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

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The Cheese Thief said...

I would get China Gunpowder Organic. I love grean tea

Sarah said...

fruit paradise tea!

Crystal said...

I am a big tea fan and i love trying new ones!!
I like all green teas but enjoy the flavored ones the best. I am interested in the Cranberry Mango,Flower of Hawaii,Mango White Tea and Marani.
Fruit Teas rock too!!

cyclona66(At) aol dot com

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Benita said...

I'd like to try the White tea because it's rare.


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noreen said...

HoneyPie since I adore rooibos tea and this is even richer. I love trying new loose teas. They are so had to find at local stores so I get most online

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Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Lemon Vanilla White Tea


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Donna Hufman Warrington

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Anonymous said...

I would love to try Assam Hattialli Second Flush. I love black teas.
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

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nightowl said...

I'd love to try the Rooibush Chocolate tea because I have never tried tea w/chocolate flavor, but I love tea and chocolate so it sounds like a good combination.

winit6 at hotmail dot com

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winit6 at hotmail dpt com

Anonymous said...

I'd love the English breakfast decaf because I love black tea, but at night, I need decaf.

Nanbon44 said...

Tea is the only thing that I drink, Iced tea is my preference so I would love to try all the ice tea flovors like the cherry Banana for hot teas the Peach Melba

Nanbon44 said...

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Tam631 said...

I love Rooibos Tea... but I'm from South Africa and I should. :D

Katy said...

I'd love to try their China Gunpowder Organic Green Tea.

Thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I like Tea Gschwendner on Facebook as Katy Morris and I wrote on their wall thanking them for their giveaway here.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I follow Tea Gschwendner on Twitter as @katygmorris.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I follo wyou on Twitter as @katygmorris.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I just Tweeted about this giveaway as @katygmorris here: http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/24120286444

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

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Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


Katy said...

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Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


Katy said...

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Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


Mary said...

Black Currant flavored tea b/c it looks yummy!

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BargainFun said...

the dragon fruit tea sounds interesting ! bargainfun1 at yahoo

Muse n' Smile said...

Mango Cranberry is absolutely the best! I joined the food tour when I was in Chicago and the tour guide took us to TeaGschwendner. OMG, heavenly products, heavenly smell. I have been hooked since then. You guys should definitely try it out. It's 1000 times better than the Lipton tea bags you get from the grocery store.

Unknown said...

There are two teas I'm dying to try first I'm a chocoholic and I love chili choc (Lindt's) so the Chili Chocolate Black tea sounds delicious! Alcohol is my other vice so the Caipirinha sounds lovely. Rtianna@gmail.com

Kathleen W. said...

I'm loving all of the Japanese teas, like the Genmaicha and the Japan Kabusecha Organic.

Kathleen W. said...

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Linda Kish said...

Rooibush cream caramel because it sounds scrumptious.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

bison61 said...

I'd like to try the China chun Mee because it stated that it was full in body with robust, smoky chestnut aroma - that sounds good

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

i think the applemint could be delicious! we only drink non caf, herbal ones as much as possible..

hancoci_s at msn dot com

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Anonymous said...

I would like to try their China Pai Mu Tan Organic White Tea :D

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Louis H said...

I really like the Rooibush Jungle Fire tea

Louis H said...

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Aisling said...

I think their Shogun tea (sweet raspberry, sour rhubarb and vanilla) sounds delightful. I drink a variety of teas and love to try different flavors. On the rare occasion I come across something I don't care for, someone else in my family is sure to love it.

Aisling said...

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HarleyC said...

WOW...they have a LOT of teas! The Black current is the one I'd LOVE to try! I remember eating these as a kid when we'd go through the woods near my mom's house! I haven't had them in many, many moons!


Darjeeling No. 10 Rarity

amp said...

I am a huge tea lover and this would be a perfect early Christmas gift to me!


MRWriter said...

As I'm writing this I'm drinking iced green tea. I'd like to try their Gunpowder, a very strong green tea best served straight up. Just the way I like it. (-:


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Unknown said...

im most interested in the Apple Coriander . I used to love a spiced apple tea as a child and think it would remind me of a more grown up version of it!


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Mamushi Love said...

I'd like to try Arabian Night. I've yet to try it, despite wanting to every time I visit the one near us. They just have so many good teas!

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Ceylon Paradise tea because it is a green tea and I am a green tea fan because of its health benefits.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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sue14625 said...

i drink tea hot/ cold year round Peppermint is my favorite it just makes me feel good all over when i drink it but i do enjoy trying different flavors

Anonymous said...

Would love to try the South India White Oothu tea - sounds yummy!! grammypennyann@yahoo.com

h. mcnaron said...

I think the china mao feng green tea sounds good

hmcnaron at gmail

Anonymous said...

I like the white tea to try something new and different
Thank you

Sharon Harmon said...

I want to try the Banana Chocolate Crêpe Tea because it has pieces of banana and bits of cocoa, a combination I love!

Sharon Harmon said...

Google Friend Connect Follower

mmentor said...

a collector of pots

jlafount said...

Fruit Paradise because I enjoy the combination of flavors offered

jlafount at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

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Jessica said...

I would love to try the Apple Mint Tea. It sounds so refreshing!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

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Jean said...

I'd like the vanilla white tea - I love white teas

Jean said...

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Katy said...

Here's my Tweet for today (9/14): http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/24495064357

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted this giveaway here :D


Anonymous said...

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Katy said...

Here's my Tweet for today (9/16): http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/24684024886

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Bebemiqui said...

The Darjeeling No. 10 Rarity Second Flush would be my pick since I'm a tea nerd and I love the variety they offer @ their site!

AmandaC said...

the banana-walnut flavor sounds suspiciously yummy, would love to try it :)


tamathamc said...

I would pick either the vanilla white tea or the dragonfruit tea

tamathamc said...

new follower via gfc

madpay said...

see through tea

almaNYC said...

I'd like to try the vanilla white tea, since I'm a fan of white teas

Bob said...

I'd like to try the Kashmir Khali

jgos said...

Vanilla Decaf would be my pick! jgs0925(at)gmail(dot)com

Katy said...

Here's my Tweet for today (9/17): http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/24791701105

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Renee said...

I would love to try the Banana Chocolate Crêpe because, hello, it has chocolate :)

yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

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Nadi said...

I'm most interested in trying the China Royal Jasmine Curls tea because I am a total green tea addict!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

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Clarke & Lewis said...

rooibos- it is healthy and delicious
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

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gfc follower smarti
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

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Billie said...

I'd love to try the Cream Caramel Decaf.

Billie said...

GFC. Billie R.

Billie said...

Follow TeaGschwendner on Twitter. @rowellowl

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Anonymous said...

I just tweeted this giveaway here :D


Unknown said...

i'd like to try the fireside glow tea - it says it is for cinnamon lovers like me - plus, with fall coming on, it sounds like a great tea for a chilly fall day!

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

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julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

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julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

kmogilevski said...

I would love to try China Mao Feng green tea

kmogilevski at gmail dot com

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kmogilevski said...

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Anonymous said...

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Mary A said...

I would really like to try their China Lapsang Souchong Organic. I really like a good smokey tea. Thanks for the giveaway.

Katy said...

Here's my Tweet for today (9/20): http://twitter.com/katygmorris/status/25065759282

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris a twildcatdiscovery dot com

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted this giveaway here :D


Heather said...

I'd like to try the Asian Pear Tea.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

I would like to try the Kid's Fruit Tea. My kids drink way too many sugary juices. I think this is a great alternative that would taste wonderful.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

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Connie Black said...

I would love to try the herbal For Sleepyheads!
epblack at zoominternet dot net

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