(ENDED) Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME Review & Giveaway (Ends 10/13)



Soda will rot your teeth! Gummy bears aren't breakfast food! Brush your teeth before you goto bed! These are just a few of the many sayings I remember hearing my mom tell me as a tween. I'd roll my eyes, turn on my heels, and let out a very loud and annoying "humph". Wow...I can't believe I did that and I can't believe I ate/drank what I did. My how times and people change. Funny thing though, brushing your teeth still keeps your breath fresh and your teeth clean. Eating snack foods can still lead to bad teeth and unhealthy gums...oddly enough, somethings never change!

Crest and Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME is the first and only complete line of oral care products for tweens (kids 8+) created to protect the areas dentist check in kids, in the flavors and designs older children will like. Finally, a product out there that kids will actually approve of and use without having to be pushy as my mother pushed me. Thank you Crest and Oral-B! I believe I speak for both the children and the parents!


The Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME line includes the following items all in Minty Breeze flavor except the toothbrushes:

  • Pulsar Toothbrush ($6.99 Value) or CrossAction Toothbrush ($3.99 Value)
  • Fluoride Anticavity Toothpaste (4.2oz - $2.75/6oz - $3.25 Value)
  • Anticavity Fluoride Rinse ($4.59 Value) - Alcohol free
  • Floss Picks ($2.49 Value) - tween-inspired color and design

Visit the Crest Store Locator to find out where you can buy the Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME products for your tween. While you're waiting for the giveaway to end, go play the Crest & Oral-B Yuck Mouth Game (iPhone, Android app, or online) and see if you can make the chosen teeth squeaky clean!


Win It!

(1) Grand Prize Winner will receive their very own Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME gift set (includes the CrossAction Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Fluoride Rinse, and Floss Picks)

  • Leave a comment letting me know if your children just can't stand brushing their teeth and what you do to persuade them

Please leave your email address in the comment or make sure you have one in your Blogger Profile


These extra entries are very helpful in winning! Also, for each extra entry, you are required to leave a comment!

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(1 entry) Follow Freebies and Much More on Twitter and ReTweet the text in red below!
Daily retweets are allowed and encouraged!
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Enter for a Chance to Win a Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME Gift Set @FreebiesGalore (Ends 10/13) http://bit.ly/9dpdZ0 #Giveaway

(3 entries) Subscribe to our newsletter via Email
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(5 entries) Post about this giveaway on your Blog or Website
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  • All entries must be in by 10/13/2010, 11:59PM EST
  • US/CA, 18+ (NO PO BOXES)

From the entries that I receive, I will use Random.org to draw the first name of the winner. I will announce the first name of the winner in a new post on Freebies and Much More and on Twitter. I will also contact the winner by email (be sure to give me one you check daily). If I do not hear back from a winner after 48 hours, I will draw a replacement by using the same method as above.

FTC Disclaimer: I received the above giveaway item for my review. I was not compensated monetarily for the review. All opinions expressed in the review are my own!

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Amy said...

My son didn't really care for having his teeth brushed as a baby, but I started with his gums as an infant. I'm a true believer in start habits EARLY...:) Plus, the little dude had some stinky breastmilk breath. :D So, there hasn't been a fight now that he's a little older. He even LOVES going to the dentist! He's really been after me to get him a recharable toothbrush, but I'm not able to afford it at this time. Anything new and different gets him excited about it all over again, esp. floss piks. :) Please enter me!


409cope said...

I son was giving me a hard time about brushing his teeth when we ran into an aquaintance,her teeth were nearly green.My son asked what was wrong with her teeth and I told him that is what happens when you don't brush.He never gave me a hard time about brushing his teeth after that.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I entered the Softlips giveaway.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I like you on facebook and commented! Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

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Nicole-Lynn said...

I don't have any children, but I sometimes have to persuade my fiance! He has good hygiene but there are times I need to ask if he did! haha I think this would help us out since we're on a tight budget!


Nicole-Lynn said...

I've also entered the $25 T.J.Maxx / Marshalls Gift Card (09/29)giveaway!


Nicole-Lynn said...

I also entered the KIWI Back-to-School Shoe Care Kit Giveaway!


Nicole-Lynn said...

I also entered your Softlips PURE 100% Natural Lip Care Set (10/10 giveaway!


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Entry 2


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JC said...

I buy brushes which have their favorite cartoon characters on.

JC said...

entered # $25 T.J.Maxx / Marshalls Gift Card (09/29)

JC said...

entered # Softlips PURE 100% Natural Lip Care Set (10/10)

JC said...

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FB friend and like this giveaway@tcarolinep JessieKatie S

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Katy said...

I don't have any kids (yet) but to help my nieces get into brushing their teeth I do mine at the same time and let them brush some of my teeth. Then, while they're brushing I sing a silly song and tell them that they are supposed to stop brusing as soon as I stop singing.

Thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

JM said...

my son complains that it hurts his gums... I talk to him while I'm brushing his teeth so he gets distracted johannammartinez2010@gmail.com

Katy said...

I follow you publically with GFC as katygmorris.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I like you on Facebook as Katy Morris and I "liked" this giveaway.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I follow you on Twitter as @katygmorris and just Tweeted about this giveaway here: http://twitter.com/#!/katygmorris/status/25920394949

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I am already an email subscriber.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


Katy said...

I am already an email subscriber.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


Katy said...

I am already an email subscriber.

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com


MRWriter said...

Forget the kids...I hate brushing my teeth even though I do.


MRWriter said...

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Anne said...

Brush in front of them or with them is my tip

Anne said...

I get your emails #1

Anne said...

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Renee said...

My daughter doesn't mind brushing her teeth, so I don't have to do much persuading!
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

Renee said...

entered Sidral giveaway

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entered KIWI giveaway

Renee said...

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entered Xtreme Green giveaway

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entered Stride giveaway

Renee said...

entered Timeless antiaging giveaway

Renee said...

entered Soft Lips giveaway
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

Renee said...

entered Libman giveaway
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

deb c said...

When my boys were little I'd give them the red plaque tablets so if they didn't brush their teeth they would be all red and I could tell.

deb c said...

entered sock grams giveaway

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/25978045425

Connie Black said...

I have six kids in the house, non of which brush their teeth willingly. I always make sure that I send them to the bathroom two at a time to make sure that everyone is brushing (b/c someone will always rat someone else out..lol).
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Connie Black said...

Also entered your Timeless Secret giveaway.
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Connie Black said...

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epblack at zoominternet dot net

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epblack at zoominternet dot net
entry #1

Connie Black said...

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epblack at zoominternet dot net
entry #3

Connie Black said...

Also entered your Miko teapot giveaway.
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Tamara B. said...

My two boys are great about brushing their teeth and flossing but my daughter you have to practically put a gun to head everyday to get her to brush her teeth. I always tape cut out pictures of Gingivitis on her bathroom mirror to motivate her.

Tamara B. said...

Public follower GFC.

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#2, Email subscriber.

Tamara B. said...

#3, Email subscriber.

The Cheese Thief said...

I have been brushing my baby's teeth since she was 3 months (gums). She is so use to it now that the likes having her teeth brushed.

Unknown said...

Well, I don't have kids but used to care for two little guys. To get them brushing regularly, they got gold stars on a chart for every time they brushed without being reminded. When they earned 5 stars, they got a non-food reward ... something like not having to make their bed for a day or extra play time. They loved earning points and after 30 days, brushing was a habit.

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I entered the Grab "Em Snacks giveaway.

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

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Katy said...

Here's my Tweet for today (9/30): http://twitter.com/#!/katygmorris/status/26004796161

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Tamara B. said...

I entered your Libman mop giveaway.

Unknown said...

i have two kids and its not always a fun time getting them to brush but we always do twice a day
comfortlisa at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

They get a star on their monthly charts!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

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I entered Apple Soda
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Anonymous said...

I entered TeaGschwendner
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered Sock Grams
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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radeeolover at yahoo dot com

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Anonymous said...

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radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered Somersaults
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered plantain chips
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I suggest just trying different toothpastes and see which ones the kids like. They all taste different. Some I can't stand, some I love. It's also fun to change things up once in awhile with a new kind of toothpaste or brush.


Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Kimmie said...

I tell my kids that the sugar bugs are going to eat their teeth and then they will need fake teeth.


Kimmie said...

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Kimmie said...

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JC said...

entered # $25 Gift Card (Amazon/Target) from Energizer Qi (10/15)

JC said...


409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26124941313

LPaganoBradley said...

My kids dislike brushing their teeth and I tell them that the fuzzies that they feel when they run their tongue across their teeth will take over and they will have permanently fuzzy teeth.


all but my eldest love to brush their teeth and he just needs to be pushed and so I push mrs.mommyyatgmail

Just Coupons said...

My kids are bigger now, but I used to make a big deal out of letting them choose their toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc.

Michelle Frame said...

My kids don't mind brushing their teeth. I always "check" them. They love saying they brushed in each location.

Michelle Frame said...

twitter follower and tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26135215518

Michelle Frame said...

email subscriber #1

Tamara B. said...

I entered your $25 Gift Card (Amazon/Target) from Energizer Qi

elizabeth p said...

My kids hate brushing their teeth. I bribe them with offers of later bedtimes. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26168056852

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site www.freebiesandmuchmore.com
Is this possible?

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

5webs said...

All three of my kids love to brush their teeth. I make sure to give them plenty of time so that they never feel rushed.
Alicia Webster

julis55 said...

I buy colorful toothbushes to pursuade my kids to brush

Shannon a said...

Yeah my daughter doesn't like to brush her teeth, but she understand what will happen to them if she doesn't.


scottsgal said...

my kids have always been good about brushing their teeth
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

like on facebook
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered sock gram
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered soft lips
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered soft lips
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered jumbies
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered energizer
msboatgal at aol.com

Lina said...

My brother doesn't have too big of a problem with brushing his teeth. He usually does it without complaining unless he is tired.

Lina said...

Entered Xtreme Green's

Lina said...

Entered Timeless Secret

Lina said...

Entered Libman Mop

Lina said...

Entered Softlips

Lina said...

Entered Tamatown Tamagotchi

Lina said...

Entered Somersaults Snack

Lina said...

Entered JUMBiES Toy

Lina said...

Entered Grab Em Snacks

twinmomoftwins said...

I'm lucky so far my two girls love to brush their teeth. they get mad when I finally take the toothbrush away or otherwise they would stay in the bathroom all day brushing,
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26210400363

Jayne said...

My daughters brush their teeth but they're not very good at it. Right now I'm teaching flossing and it's a challenge reaching the back teeth in their little mouths!

andrea d said...

sht hates burshing her teeth..I bought her a fun toothbrush that plays music and now she doesnt mind

drea8685 at yahoo dot com

littlelatina said...

this would be great

Holly G. said...

My son doesn't mind brushing, but he's really picky about toothpaste.

Holly G. said...

I entered your Grab 'Em Snacks giveaway.

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26257976524

carol said...

My children are grown now but when they were younger I had to keep after to make sure they brushed.

carol said...

I entered the Softlips PURE 100% Natural Lip Care Set giveaway.

carol said...

I entered the STRIDE Everyday Panties for Women giveaway.

carol said...

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pamalot said...

We have a rule in our house that if you don't brush your teeth you do not get any treats/dessert the following day..it seems to work.


pamalot said...

I entered the stride giveaway

pamalot said...

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pamalot said...

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dphumphrey at sympatico dot ca

pamalot said...

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dphumphrey at sympatico dot ca

pamalot said...

I subscribe via email. #3

dphumphrey at sympatico dot ca

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Anonymous said...

My kids dont really mind it but I need to ask them to do it. They are also picky about toothpaste
thank you

mogrill said...

My daughter hates it, I tell her the bugs will eat all her teeth if she doesnt brush. LOL.
Thanks for the chance.

Nichole said...

my kids hate brushing their teeth but they know they will not be able to do anything all day if they don't so it works out.

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26312937528

sksweeps said...

My daughter didn't mind too much when she was smaller (ok now too), but didn't like to brush as long as she needed to. I got her a small hourglass egg timer and she used that to know how long she needed to brush. Since 'she' was in control, it was ok!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Mia J. said...

My daughter is pretty good about brushing her teeth. We have to remind her but she doesn't fuss about it.

Holly G. said...

I entered your Energizer Qi giveaway.

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26351820002

carol said...

daily tweet

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Melissa O. said...

My kids act like brushing is a chore. They usually lie about doing it. I persuade them by reminding them how much dental work hurts and if they don't brush, they get more dental work.

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26414778368

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26446178819

Melissa O. said...

I subscribe via email 1

Melissa O. said...

I'm an email subscriber 2

Melissa O. said...

I entered the Tamagotchi giveaway

carol said...

daily tweet

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

jmajor4870 said...

my mother wears dentures. but never inside her house. i told my kids they would look like her if they didnt brush. they all brushed

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26492461593

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win

GabbyLowe said...

We use firefly light up toothbrushes to try and make it fun


GabbyLowe said...


entered jumbies giveaway

GabbyLowe said...


FB fan-Laura DeLuca

shelby brigham said...

My son is still a toddler so I let him play with the tooth brush so he likes it and then I brush his teeth with it to get him adjusted

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26540582131

carol said...

daily tweet

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

409cope said...

daily tweet-http://twitter.com/409cope/status/26563809840 cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Min K said...

no children

Min K said...

I'm a public follower.

carol said...

daily tweet

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26657559969

sweetsue said...

My kids are grown, but my grandchildren so far love brushing their teeth-or anything that involves running water and the opportunity to make a mess!
smchester at gmail dot com

Michelle Frame said...

daily tweet- http://twitter.com/mframe00/status/26734588188

carol said...

daily tweet

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

clynsg said...

I was apparently quite lucky, since my children didn't mind brushing their teeth and I never really had to do anything special to get them to do it.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

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